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The COVID-19 Vaccine: Do We Know Enough to End the Pandemic?
December 07, 2020
The SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 pandemic has created an unprecedented public health challenge, spurring a global race to develop and distribute viable vaccines. By mid-2021, there will likely be multiple licensed vaccines. Although there is an urgent need for these vaccines to be made available, several cri...
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Unequal Burdens: The Impact of Shocks on Household Education Spending
December 03, 2020
The economic consequences of COVID-19 are likely to squeeze household budgets even further and reduce families’ capacity to fund their children’s education, or, in some instances, force them to make other difficult sacrifices (including cutting back on food or other necessities) to afford education.
Blog Post
Supporting Refugees Will Help the Private Sector Recover from COVID-19
December 03, 2020
The COVID-19 recession has exacerbated the need for economic inclusion to prevent the most vulnerable from falling into poverty and delaying economic recovery. For the private sector, helping refugees participate in the economy is not only the correct ethical choice, but one which will improve its b...
Rebuilding US Global Health Leadership for Impact and Shared Security
December 03, 2020
Blog Post
Where Are Women and Girls Especially Vulnerable to the COVID-19 Pandemic?
November 30, 2020
Did you know that Zimbabwe is one of four low- and lower-middle-income countries (LICs and LMCs) where a severe economic contraction in 2020 combines with very low levels of women’s wellbeing and low capacity of the state to target government payments and other social assistance to women and girls? ...
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Certificate of COVID Vaccination: Can We Do Better than the Yellow Card?
November 25, 2020
Can technology help? At the most basic level, a COVID ID would be a digitized version of the Yellow Card, the paper-based International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis that many international travelers carry with them traveling to and from high-risk areas of the world.
Including Women in COVID-19 Digital Transfer Programs
November 25, 2020
Due to COVID-19, many governments are transferring emergency funds to people in need. However, women face unique challenges in accessing these funds. By understanding and addressing these challenges, we can make sure that women are included in and benefit equally from digital transfer programs.&nbsp...