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Five Factors that Drive Successful Large-Scale Vaccine Distribution
February 04, 2021
Five key operational levers and choices determine how fast countries are able to roll out the COVID-19 vaccine. Ideally, someone at the national level makes these decisions, but this hasn’t always been easy in multi-level government systems.
Blog Post
What Lessons Can Other Countries Learn from the UK Reaching 100,000 COVID-19 Deaths?
February 03, 2021
The UK example has some key lessons for all countries (including the UK itself) who are considering how to improve their current response, and how to “build back better” and prepare for future pandemics.
Blog Post
Heightening Domestic Resource Mobilization in Africa During COVID-19
February 03, 2021
On January 25, the African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET) and CGD convened a panel of seven experts, including from government, the private sector, and financing partners, to discuss the potential for increasing DRM in the aftermath of the COVID-19 health and economic crises.
Blog Post
Is Africa Wasting the Pandemic-Induced Economic Crisis?
January 27, 2021
In many African countries, the economic response to the crisis so far appears to have been broadly less consistent than the health response. For mitigation measures to be stronger and more effective, and for sustained recovery to take place, governments, central banks, and regional institutions will...
Blog Post
Why Colombia Granted Full Rights to its 1.7 Million Venezuelans, and What Comes Next
January 26, 2021
The Government of Colombia has been incredibly generous towards this population, enacting several rounds of work permits which granted the right to work, move, and formalize their status. They should be celebrated for these moves, while supported to overcome the remaining constraints to full economi...
Blog Post
Build Back. Worry About Better Later
January 26, 2021
The slogan “build back better” has become widespread during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to the extent it is used to promise a recovery that ensures less risk of a repeat, greater equality and more opportunity, that’s a wonderful thing. But the term comes with a history—and not a great one
Blog Post
Sound Banks for Healthy Economies: A CGD-IDB Report Four Months Later
January 25, 2021
Last fall, CGD and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) launched a report by the joint Sound Banks for Healthy Economies working group. We round up highlights from two of those discussions here, organized by common themes that ran through the events.