Data Tools for “When Does Rigorous Impact Evaluation Make a Difference? The Case of the Millennium Villages”

September 22, 2011

This page contains the Stata code needed to replicate the data analysis in “When Does Rigorous Impact Evaluation Make a Difference? The Case of the Millennium Villages” (CGD Working Paper 225).

To use the Stata code in these files you will need to obtain, via a free registration, the corresponding data from Measure DHS. Full instructions are given in the zip files below.

  • Ghana analysis
  • Kenya analysis
  • Nigeria analysis
  • If you make any use of this code please cite Michael A. Clemens and Gabriel Demombynes (2011), “When Does Rigorous Impact Evaluation Make a Difference? The Case of the Millennium Villages,” Journal of Development Effectiveness, 3(3): 305–339.

    CC BY-NA-SA 3.0

    This data set is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license. You are free to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt the work for noncommercial purposes only, with attribution given the Center for Global Development, preferably with a link to this page. Resulting work must be distributed under the same license or one similar.

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