Welcome Kemal Dervis to Think Tank Row!

April 01, 2009
Let me speak for the development wing of the Massachusetts Avenue Think Tank Row community in rejoicing at the arrival among us of Kemal Dervis, as vice president and director of the Global Economy and Development program at Brookings, our friends and neighbors across the street.We at the Center are pleased to have such a distinguished development advocate and practitioner, and one with superlative analytic skills and political wisdom, join in our common mission of independent research and practical ideas for widespread and inclusive global prosperity. Kemal’s 2005 CGD book, A Better Globalization: Legitimacy, Governance, and Reform, which he wrote as a CGD visiting fellow, turns out to have been quite prescient. Among other things, Kemal’s work anticipated the recent recommendation by an 18-member UN commission headed by Joseph Stiglitz for the creation of a new Global Economic Council. This proposed UN body would become the main agenda-setting forum for worldwide economic and financial policy (see Financial Times, free registration required).Readers interested in these and other newly topical issues related to global governance will want to be sure to read the CGD brief that summarizes the key recommendations of Kemal’s important book, and the provocative ideas being offered on out new Bretton Woods Non-Commission Blog.


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