They're Talking about Me

December 07, 2009

From an interview on with Kiva's Chelsa Bocci:

I saw the "Finance Access Initiative" blog by Abby Gray coming to Kiva's defense about David Roodman's article. I thought that was a great example of social media in action. I was wondering initially, did you think that you wanted to do a social media campaign after Roodman's article came out?That wasn't the top priority when David Roodman's article came out. I mean, social media campaign can mean so many different things, and I want to better understand what you're asking. There were a lot of goals that were set after that article came out, and, for the most part, we welcome this kind of publicity because it's all about asking the right questions, and I think it gives Kiva an opportunity to answer some of those. It's been a very positive thing for us. We're using the social media channel a lot to bring more awareness to some of those articles, and some of the follow-up questions, and bloggers we've seen taking an interest in some of the things we have going on. We didn't set up to do a formal campaign around that publicity, but we have definitely been using those channels to direct or educate our existing community on how we view the situation....What did you learn from the Roodman experience?Honest, honest answer is that we're still learning. Every month is new time for us. Things change and grow so quickly.The joke internally is that today is short term, tomorrow is medium term, and the next day is long term. But it's really hard to plan because we're growing so fast. Everyone around here would absolutely agree that they highly value what we do to grow our social media presence. Again, back to the challenge of tracking and metrics, that is where I'm tasked to get creative and really put some thought into it.I think it's been a wonderful experience, and we're headed in the right direction. But, that being said, we have a lot of work to do.
[Sorry blogging has been light. I just came through eight days straight of rehearsals and performances.]


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