Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future---Niels Bohr

February 13, 2010
A common phenomenon that has emerged as a significant impediment to the smooth functioning of Microcredit Operations (MCOs) is that of overlapping. Unhealthy competition among microfinance institutions (MFIs) in luring one another’s beneficiaries has been retarding the pace of development of MCOs....Rapid growth of MFIs over the past decade can be said to be the single major reason of overlapping in the country. Mushroom growth of MFIs in the neighboring district towns in and around greater Dhaka has pushed the problem of overlapping in Dhaka region almost to the extent of a crisis situation. Khulna, Rangpur, Dinajpur and Bogra are also following the footsteps of Dhaka and the situation is worsening day by day....Needless to say, the problem of overlapping is intense which, if not put to a hold immediately, would put the entire MCOs of the country into serious trouble.
That's Md. Hasan Khaled writing in the apparently short-lived journal of the PKSF, a World Bank--financed institution that lends wholesale to microcreditors in Bangladesh and performs some oversight of them.He wrote that in 1998.(For context, see this and this.)


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