Kojo and Me Again

December 01, 2010

Except Kojo was sick, so Diane Vogel substituted. Like the last time I was on the Kojo Nnamdi show, Sam Daley-Harris joined me in the studio.The show is archived here.And this is how I described the experience last time:

Imagine someone comes up to you and asks most intently, What are the major causes of the global financial crisis? 30 seconds into your improvised monologue on this complex issue, your questioner’s body language begins to suggest it’s time to wrap up. You do, maybe accelerating a bit just before you screech to a halt. Then the questioner turns to someone next to you and asks a vaguely related question, like Are mortgage rates likely to stay low? It is not a natural conversation. The funny thing is that it sounds fluid on the air. Humans are flexible listeners.


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