India's Brain Gain: Can Africa Follow?

September 01, 2006

The BBC recently featured a story on the flow of skilled Indian emigrants and their offspring returning to India. An Indian official says: "In the 1960s when people left India the buzz word was 'brain-drain'. We see it now as 'brain-gain'."Devesh Kapur and John McHale’s acclaimed recent book, Give Us Your Best and Brightest: The Global Hunt for Talent and Its Impact on the Developing World (available in print and in full online) digs deeper into the migration of highly-skilled workers: brain drain, brain gain, and how they affect developing countries.Is what's true for India true or false for Africa? Work in the pipeline by CGD fellow Michael Clemens uses unusually rich original data now available online to learn more about the potential impact of migration on Africa’s severe health challenges.


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