CGD@5: 2006 Annual Report

CGD@5: 2006 Annual ReportCGD@5, a 36-page, full-color report, highlights the activities and achievements of the Center for Global Development from its inception in November 2001 through September 2006. The report begins with letters from CGD co-founder and board chairman Edward W. Scott, Jr. and founding president Nancy Birdsall. It then describes some of the areas in which CGD research and expertise are making a difference, including trade and migration policy, aid effectiveness, debt and finance, global health, development and security and global governance. The report includes research staff bios; a list of CGD collaborating organizations; the membership of eleven working groups organized in the Center's first five years; publications, funders, and the audited financial statement as of December 31, 2005.

Download full report (pdf, 1 MB) or request that a paper copy be mailed to you by writing to CGD Publications Coordinator Lindsay Morgan; please be sure to include your postal address.

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