Where to Put the Millennium Challenge Account?

Carol J. Lancaster
July 26, 2007
The oldest saw in Washington is the saying "Where you stand depends on where you sit". But just because it’s old doesn’t mean it isn’t right. And it applies to organizations as well as people. It applies to the MCA: where this account is lodged organizationally will shape what it does, regardless of what the president intends it to do. This paper presents the options for housing the MCA. The MCA can be fully integrated into an existing organization, for example, USAID, the Department of State or even the Treasury Department, and many argue that this is the best approach. Or it could be partially integrated--made part of a larger organization, reporting to the head or an assistant secretary-equivalent of the organization, but with its own personnel and possibly some of its own processes. Finally, it could be created as a new organization--perhaps a government corporation or similar structure. The author gives a number of reasons to consider this option seriously, especially if it is intended that the MCA will operate in a manner new and distinct from existing agencies.

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