CGD in the News

UN Reform Process Delayed Pending More Talks

September 28, 2005

Research Fellow Stewart Patrick, who heads CGD's research on Security and Development was interviewed for this VOA article on UN reforms.

From the article:

On another issue, the U.N. summit agreed to replace the discredited Commission on Human Rights with a Human Rights Council. Stewart Patrick, a U.N. expert with the Center for Global Development, says that is a positive step.

"It is absolutely essential to get rid of the Commission on Human Rights, which has allowed some of the worst abusers - Cuba, Libya and Sudan, and others - to actually have leadership positions, as well as membership, in a commission that is supposed to be protecting human dignity and advancing freedom," he said. "What the major abusers have discovered, is that they can make, exploit the bloc voting that occurs in the United Nations General Assembly to actually get themselves elected to this, and that this is one of the best ways to blunt international oversight over what they are actually doing to their citizens."