Guest Post- Mark Mullen, Transparency International- Tbilisi, Georgia

October 21, 2005

Today, Mr. Levan Bezhashvili, Chair of Legal Affairs Committee of the Parliament of Georgia held a meeting today with Millennium Challenge Georgia representatives, non-governmental organizations and diplomatic missions to announce that the Committee intends to prepare a draft law to accompany parliamentary ratification of the Millennium Challenge Compact with Georgia. In the meeting, Mr. Bezhashvili mentioned that there should be legal guarantees that the parliament has sufficient information to exercise its oversight role and issued a request for advice on how best to accomplish this legislative goal.Any relevant recommendations in Georgian or Russian may be sent directly to the committee at [email protected] or may be sent in other languages to Transparency International Georgia at [email protected] which will forward to the committee. The committee particularly requests advice from NGOs in other Millennium Challenge counties as well as from other interested individuals and organizations.


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