Fauci Calls For Greater Collaboration with Private Sector

April 21, 2005
Agence France Presse reports that US funding earmarked for an AIDS vaccine will fall off in 2006, forcing scientists to cooperate among themselves and with the private sector, a top government researcher said Monday.
"As we now approach 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009, it has become clear that not only will there be a less than two percent increase in the (National Institutes of Health) budget, that the previous largess that was associated with all research, particularly HIV, is now not going to be a reality for the future," said Anthony Fauci, Director at the National Institute of Health of Allergy and Infectious Diseases."That will mean working even more with private industry and groups such as the nonprofit International AIDS Vaccine Initiative to get the most bang for the buck," he said.


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