Top 20 Posts for 2010 for CGD’s Views from the Center blog

January 05, 2011

Inspired by David Roodman’s list of his 20 most popular blog posts for 2010, we have done something similar for CGD’s Rethinking U.S. Foreign Assistance blog, and the Global Health Policy blog. Below the 20 most popular posts for Views from the Center. Enjoy!

  1. Haiti Aid Facts David Roodman
  2. Why a Careful Evaluation of the Millennium Villages Is Not Optional Michael Clemens
  3. For Haitians' Sake, Drop the "Drop the Debt" David Roodman
  4. Six Important Lessons for Disaster Relief John Simon
  5. After the Plane Bomber, Where in the World is Nigeria's President? Todd Moss
  6. It’s 2010! Ten Actionable Ideas (Realized and Yet-to-be-realized) for a 21st-Century Global Development Agenda Nancy Birdsall
  7. Development in the Year of Immigration Reform: New Video Michael Clemens
  8. Suspend Haiti's Debt---And Take Official Lenders beyond Lending David Roodman
  9. Reactions to My Proposal for a New Visa to the United States Michael Clemens
  10. A New Home at USAID Ruth Levine
  11. A New CGD Initiative on U.S. Development Strategy in Pakistan: What Is It and Will It Work? Nancy Birdsall
  12. Clinton, Innovation, and the MCC Darius Nassiry
  13. Too Big to Succeed? Why (W)Hole-of-Government Cannot Work for U.S. Development Policy Todd Moss
  14. Blurring the Line between Defense and Development Vijaya Ramachandran
  15. Postcard from Dubai—Infrastructure Investments May Eventually Prove Wise After All Vijaya Ramachandran
  16. A New Kind of Degree for Development Professionals Michael Clemens
  17. When Rigorous Impact Evaluation Is Not a Luxury: Scrutinizing the Millennium Villages Michael Clemens
  18. GAFSP! U.S.-Led Food Security Fund Could Push Better Risk Management at World Food Program, Reducing Hunger Vijaya Ramachandran
  19. Impact Evaluation Has Come So Far! William Savedoff
  20. Secretary Clinton Pushes the Development Envelope in CGD Speech Sarah Jane Staats


CGD blog posts reflect the views of the authors, drawing on prior research and experience in their areas of expertise. CGD is a nonpartisan, independent organization and does not take institutional positions.
