Making Globalization Work: Joe Stiglitz at CGD

September 27, 2006
Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz spoke to a standing-room-only crowd this morning at a CGD event about his new book Making Globalization Work and his ideas for bringing stability to the international economic system. Fred Bergsten, Director of the Institute for International Economics asked: is Joe going soft on globalization? Nancy Birdsall, president of CGD, said that she liked the tone of his new book, with the stress on fairness and equality, but wondered who is the bad guy, the U.S.? The notion of what “fair” means and how the word is used and mis-used was discussed, along with the future of intellectual property rights and Stiglitz’s proposal for the WTO to authorize tariffs on U.S. exports to compel the U.S. to cut greenhouse gas emissions.Video of Joe Stiglitz’s keynote address is now online and transcripts will be posted in a few days.So what are your thoughts on making globalization work?


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