CGD in the News

What's the Big Idea? (Washington Post)

March 02, 2009

The Washington Post features CGD senior fellow Vijaya Ramachandran's research on global governance. She proposes countries accounting for either 2 percent of the planet's people or 2 percent of the world's gross domestic product should oversee the World Bank, United Nations, and other global institutions.

From the article:

"With the American superpower trapped between two wars abroad and economic crisis at home, the time could be ripe for a new force to assume the mantle of global leadership.

How about Bangladesh?

It's not as nutty as it sounds. Economists Vijaya Ramachandran and Enrique Rueda-Sabater propose a simple system for deciding who gets to run the world. Call it the Two Percent Doctrine: If your country has either 2 percent of the planet's people or 2 percent of the world's gross domestic product, you're in, a proud member of a committee overseeing the World Bank, United Nations and other global institutions. Congrats. By this count, 16 countries make the cut. First up, alphabetically, is Bangladesh. Brazil and Canada are next, with the list reaching the United Kingdom and the United States. (You didn't think Obama would be off the invite list, did you?)"

Read the article

The China Post, Arizona Daily Sun, and the Sarasota Herald Tribune picked up the article.

The Age and the Helsingin Sanomat also cited Ramachandran's research on global governance.