


10:00—11:30 AM ET / 3:00-4:30 PM GMT
2055 L St NW
Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20036

Evidence-Informed Decision-Making: The Legacy of FATAA and the Evidence Act for US Development Agencies

Opening Remarks 

Ted McCann, Vice President, American Idea Foundation

Loren DeJonge Schulman, Associate Director, Performance and Personnel Management, OMB


Elizabeth Boggs Davidsen, Vice President of the Office of Development Policy, US International Development Finance Corporation

Diana Epstein, Evidence Team Lead, Office of Management and Budget

Jessica Lieberman, Deputy Managing Director, Planning, Performance, and Systems, Office of Foreign Assistance, US Department of State

Alicia Phillips Mandaville, Vice President of the Department of Policy and Evaluation at the Millennium Challenge Corporation

Christophe Tocco, Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator in the Bureau for Planning, Learning and Resource Management, US Agency for International Development


Thomas Kelly, Director, Evidence for Policy and Learning, 3ie

Introduction and welcome from Erin Collinson, Director of Policy Outreach, Center for Global Development 

For as long as US foreign aid has enjoyed bipartisan support on Capitol Hill, lawmakers have sought to ensure this assistance is transparent, accountable, and effective. Thanks, in part, to passage of the Foreign Aid Transparency and Accountability Act (FATAA) in 2016, US agencies involved in implementing US foreign assistance have been at the forefront in implementing requirements related to the timely publication of project-level data and in the development, implementation, and use of evaluations. Signed into law in 2019, the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act (Evidence Act) sought to integrate the use of evidence—including data and evaluation—into decision-making across the federal government.  

How have these statutes helped inform changes in policy and practice at US development agencies? Where has there been the most meaningful progress? What lessons have been learned in implementation?  What opportunities remain for further refinement and improvement?  

Join us for an in-person event co-hosted by CGD and the Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network (MFAN), featuring US officials to explore the implications of these legislative requirements and how to continue to drive greater transparency and informed decision-making in US development policy.

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