


12:30—2:00 PM
Center for Global Development
2055 L St, NW
- Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20036

Transforming Malawi Through eID


Tariq Malik, Chief Technical Advisor, UNDP


Preeti Arora, Country Program Coordinator for Burundi, Malawi, Somalia, and Tanzania, World Bank


Alan Gelb, Senior Fellow and Director of Studies, Center for Global Development

With the biometric registration of 9.2 million adults and documentation of 4.5 million children, Malawi has made a massive stride towards SDG 16.9 which requires states to “provide legal identity to all, including birth registration, by 2030”. How has Malawi achieved universal coverage in only 180 days despite lack of key infrastructure and scarce technical resources? What are the potential digital dividends of this initiative for Malawi and its people, and what can development partners and other countries learn from it? Tariq Malik, Chief Technical Advisor of UNDP, who leads this project, will walk us through this journey of success in the heart of Africa.

Tariq Malik is former Chairman of National Database & Registration Authority (NADRA) Pakistan, one of the world’s leading ID agencies. He has led ID-related projects in many other countries, and worked with UN agencies and IFIs. He holds the ‘Star of Excellence’; the highest award in technology conferred by the State of Pakistan and was recognized with the ‘Outstanding Achievement Award’ at the 2009 ID World International Congress.

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