Your Chance to Ask Nancy Birdsall About Globalization and Inequality

March 29, 2007

Yesterday, CGD's president, Nancy Birdsall testified before a U.S. Congressional committee about globalization and inequality in Latin America. Nancy has written and spoken widely on the topic of global inequality and recently launched a new CGD initiative on the topic. She argues that the world is not flat, contrary to the title of Thomas Friedman’s best-selling book on globalization. Rather a deeper look into globalized markets reveals chasms where the world’s poor are being left ever further behind. You can watch a crisp two minute video of Nancy explaining the importance of focusing on this issue.Nancy will be online tomorrow from 11am-12noon EST answering your questions about globalization and inequality. Ask a question now.

”Holy mackerel, the world is becoming flat. Several technological and political forces have converged, and that has produced a global, Web-enabled playing field that allows for multiple forms of collaboration without regard to geography or distance -or soon, even language.”-Thomas Friedman
”But the world is not flat. Those of us on the top, with the right education and in the right countries, can easily overlook the countries and the people stuck in deep craters across the global landscape.”-Nancy Birdsall


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