Looking Beyond Aid with Ian Mitchell – CGD Podcast

May 02, 2019

recent CGD study suggests that almost 80 percent of UK aid over the past eight years was well spent. But there's more to development progress than aid.

That's where CGD's Commitment to Development Index(CDI) comes in. The CDI ranks 27 rich countries according to how their own domestic policies improve (or don't improve) the lives of the people in developing countries. The CDI looks at aid, but it also goes beyond aid and looks at other factors like finance, technology, environment, trade, security, and migration policies. 

On this episode of the podcast, CGD's Ian Mitchell, who leads the CDI, discusses how the Index measures and weighs these factors, why looking beyond aid is important, and what’s ahead for the CDI. Check out the preview below, and explore the CDI rankings here



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