How Can the Brown Education Commission Succeed? – Podcast with Bill Savedoff and Justin Sandefur

September 26, 2016

A focus on what children actually learn is an important and welcome central theme, says CGD senior fellow Bill Savedoff of the long-awaited report from the International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity, also known as the Education Commission or the Brown Commission.

Chaired by Gordon Brown, former British Prime Minister and UN Special Envoy for Global Education, and with an uber-eminent panel including a clutch of current and former world leaders, the Commission’s final report Learning Generation lays out 12 recommendations that Savedoff says should make us all sit up, take note and take action.

Several CGD scholars including Savedoff, Nancy Birdsall, Justin Sandefur and Barbara Bruns were among the many experts who contributed research to the Commission. In coming weeks, CGD will be publishing that research. For this edition of the CGD Podcast I’m joined by Savedoff and Sandefur (who also leads our education research through the RISE project); they give a sneak peak of their contributions to, and offer an assessment of, the Learning Generation report. 


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