Georgia Expects $300 Million from MCA

July 11, 2005

Georgia expects to receive $300 million in MCA funds. According to The Messenger, Georgia's English daily, the MCC has cleared the proposal, adding $100 million to the initial request.On July 8, The Messenger wrote:

A day after Prime Minister Zurab Noghaideli stated that Georgia will receive USD 200 million in aid from the U.S. government's Millenium Challenge Corporation, officials from the Georgian government's agency Millenium Challenge Georgia (MCG) adjusted the figure upwards to nearly USD 300 million.In a statement released late Thursday describing negotiations held in Washington from June 20 to July 2, MCG confirmed the USD 100 million increase."As a result of the negotiations within the framework of the visit of the Georgia's delegation to the USA, the budget for Georgia's Proposal has increased significantly, reaching approximately USD 300 mln," MCC states.


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