Federal Employee of the Year: Richard Greene, USAID's Office of Health, Infectious Diseases and Nutrition

September 22, 2008

Congratulations are due to Richard Greene, who directs USAID's Office of Health, Infectious Diseases and Nutrition, recently recognized as the "Federal Employee of the Year" for his work as one of the architects and leaders of the President's Malaria Initiative. According to the award announcement, "Greene's dedication and leadership were critical to the program's early success. He led the day-to-day implementation of the plan, and is credited with mobilizing programs and helping to launch services in record time while tailoring different approaches to fit the needs of each individual country. He has led his own team from USAID, coordinating their efforts with staff at CDC as well as government officials in host countries and multinational institutions."This is just one more indication that malaria, an age-old scourge, is emerging as the disease of the moment, with a notable amount of public awareness and involvement in raising money. Just note American Idol's feature of Malaria No More; and an extended segment on the Colbert Report featuring Rick Reilly of Nothing but Nets. By the way, if the last three years are any indication, it looks like the best Federal employees work in global health and infectious disease. Last year, the award recognized the work of National Cancer Institute researchers Douglas Lowy and John Schiller, for research that led to development of a vaccine to prevent cervical cancer; and in 2006 the winner was Nancy Cox at the Centers for Diseases control, for her work on domestic and international preparedness for a flu pandemic.


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