Call for Papers: 8th International Conference on Migration and Development

December 17, 2014

I’m delighted to be helping organize again, for 2015, the world’s premier research conference on the economics of migration and development. Full-paper submissions are due January 20, at [email protected].

I’ve gushed before about the uncommon rigor and innovation in the papers at this highly selective conference, year after year. The people who come are simply the best in the field. The conference is part of a historic shift in how development researchers think about migration and vice versa. Human mobility shapes, and is shaped by, the development process in ways that scholars are only beginning to understand.

This year we’ll have keynote speeches from two stars, Dani Rodrik of the Institute for Advanced Study and Ran Abramitzky from Stanford University. The papers selected for presentation will be considered for a special issue of the World Bank Economic Review.  As in previous years, the heavy lifting is being done by our collaborators at the Paris School of Economics, the Agence Française de Développement, and the World Bank—to all of whom we’re very grateful.

Click below to enlarge the full conference announcement:


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