And now, a Global Development blog

October 28, 2005
Welcome to Global Development: Views from the Center, a group blog sponsored by the Center for Global Development. This space will feature regular postings from CGD president Nancy Birdsall, staff at the Center, and friends and colleagues in the international development community who share our preoccupation with finding better ways to support poor people around the world in their efforts to improve their lives. Our work at the Center focuses primarily on the policies and practices of rich country governments, and multilateral institutions such as the World Bank, the IMF, the WTO and the UN. So most postings will be about these issues. At the same time, we all know that the people and governments of the developing world are the main drivers of development. And rich country attempts to be helpful can only be effective if they are based on a sound understanding of how things work - or don't - in specific countries and contexts. So don't be surprised if the conversation sometimes shifts from the policies and practices of the rich world to the problems of the developing world. Of course, there is really only one world. From trade talks to terrorism to avian flu, from curreny alignments to global warming, community and national concerns are increasingly also global issues. As the world becomes more interconnected and complex, the need to find effective solutions becomes even more urgent. Fortunately, we also have new tools - such as data mining, GIS, remote sensing, cell phones and, yes, the Internet and blogs, to name just a few - that make it easier than ever to create and share knowledge. We hope that CGD's newest blog will contribute to this process as well as providing a lively, entertaining and convenient way to track what we believe is the most important debate in the world. Watch this space! (A word about mechanics: All posts are open to comment, just click on the comment link. Guest posts are welcome. Send them to [email protected]. CGD runs two other blogs, the MCA Monitor Blog and Vaccines for Development. Can't remember to visit us and don't know how to subscribe to a blog? Our main blog page offers links to help you find and install a free RSS reader.)


CGD blog posts reflect the views of the authors, drawing on prior research and experience in their areas of expertise. CGD is a nonpartisan, independent organization and does not take institutional positions.
