CGD in the News

Keep Hope

December 01, 2006

CGD's research on creating an Advance Market commitment for vaccines was cited in this Washington Post editorial that discusses the impact vaccines have on saving lives at a low cost.

From the article:

Over the past 50 years, vaccination campaigns have eradicated smallpox and contained polio, typhoid and measles. Because they do not require expert diagnosis or long-term treatment, vaccines are an especially formidable tool in countries with weak health systems. Some three-quarters of the world's children now receive a standard package of vaccines, saving 3 million lives a year and protecting millions more from disability. The cost of these programs per year of life saved comes to $20 in poor countries, according to the Center for Global Development. By contrast, medical interventions in the United States are considered cost-effective if they save a year of life for $50,000 or even $100,000.