CGD in the News

Giant Coal-fired Power Plant gets Green (Times-UK)

June 16, 2008

The Times-UK quotes CGD senior fellow David Wheeler on World Bank funded coal power plants.

From the article:

"However, critics say it will still produce more CO2 than some other energy sources such as a cleaner type of coal power technology known as 'ultra supercritical.'

David Wheeler, a senior fellow at the Center for Global Development, a US-based think tank, said the IFC's funding of the plant 'did not make any sense' and that Gujarat is an ideal place for solar power.

This is the first time the IFC has part-financed a coal-fired power station. The funding consists of a £230m loan to be repaid over 20 years. The cost of building the plant is said to be around £2.1 billion, but is expected to rise."

Read the article