CGD in the News

Donors to fund study of aid to emerging nations

June 12, 2006

CGD President Nancy Birdsall is quoted in this article by Reuters. The article followed a press phone call in which members of the CGD Evaluation Gap working group spoke to reporters from around the globe about the creation and importance of an independent evaluation organization.

From the article:

"After many years of spending many billions of dollars we really don't have a lot of very credible, serious, systematic evidence about which interventions work best," Center for Global Development president Nancy Birdsall said from Italy.

Her nongovernmental organization, an African aid watchdog group and the head of a bilateral donors' club met with rich country donor agencies and development banks for two days in Bellagio, Italy, where the pledge was made, she said.

"We have clear commitments of financial support. ... We have some foundations with a clear indication they would like to support some sort of new, independent entity," Birdsall added.