CGD in the News

America's Strange Trade Policy Makes Your Jeans More Expensive than They Should be (The Washington Post)

October 15, 2013

From the Article:

Center for Global Development senior fellow Kim Elliott says the biggest domestic textile defenders have been Republicans, and have managed to hold the line -- like how Maine's Republican senators have protected New Balance against Oregon-based importer Nike. (Though there are quite a few Democratic protectionists as well, like the ones on this letter  from back in July).

"It's kind of a bit of a puzzle that even under a Democratic president, the industry manages to maintain its protectionist barriers," Elliott says. "It's a classic story of the collective action problem. Representatives from those districts are going to fight very hard. And you or I as consumers would get some benefit from lower tariffs, but we're not going to vote on it. It's that imbalance of interests."

Read it here
