graph set window fontface "Courier" graph set ps fontface "Courier" *** Use microdata appended in separate do file *use "$output/DHS/DHSallcountries2.dta", clear use "$output/DHSblog.dta", clear kountry ccode, from(iso3c) rename NAMES country *** Convert Nepalese calendar (roughly) replace interviewyear=interviewyear-57 if interviewyear>=2050 *** Few mistakes in country codes *Guatemala code "gu" accidentally as GUM. Change to GTM. replace ccode="GTM" if ccode=="GUM" *Kyrgyzstan code "ky" accidentally as CYM. Change to KGZ. replace ccode="KGZ" if ccode=="CYM" replace ccode="MDG" if countryphase=="MD4" replace ccode="MDG" if countryphase=="MD5" replace ccode="NIC" if countryphase=="NC4" replace ccode="NER" if countryphase=="NI5" replace ccode="NER" if countryphase=="NI6" *kountry command mistake: replace country="Nicaragua" if country=="New Caledonia" *** Sample restriction keep if age>=25 & age<=34 *** Define key vars gen s = edsingleyrs if edsingleyrs<30 replace literacy = . if literacy>=3 replace literacy = literacy==2 if literacy!=. replace edlevel=2 if s>=3 & ccode=="BOL" // Only administered literacy test for grades 0-2 replace edlevel=2 if s>=3 & ccode=="HND" // Only administered literacy test for grades 0-2 *** Simple data table for blog preserve drop if s>8 collapse (count) obs=literacy, by(country s) tempfile obs save `obs' restore preserve drop if edlevel>=2 drop if s>8 collapse (mean) literacy [pw=sampleweight], by(country s) mmerge country s using `obs' drop _merge drop if obs<50 drop if lit<.000001 | lit>.99999 rename literacy lit replace lit = lit*100 drop obs reshape wide lit, i(country) j(s) format lit* %4.0f forval p=10(10)90{ gen r`p' = . forval g = 0/8{ replace r`p' = `g' if r`p'==. & lit`g'>=`p' & lit`g'!=. } } gsort /*r90 r80 r70 r60*/ r50 r40 r30 r20 r10 -lit5 -lit4 drop r* outsheet using "$figures/blog_list.csv", comma replace restore ******************* *** SCATTERPLOT *** ******************* *** Change in literacy (among non-completers) on change in primary completion *** Phases, for country panel by countryphase, sort: egen nlit = count(literacy) drop if nlit==0 gen phase = substr(countryphase,-1,.) destring phase, replace *** Collapse for graphs gen graduates = edlevel>=2 gen literates = literacy if edlevel<2 preserve keep if age>=25 & age<=34 collapse (mean) graduates literates t=interviewyear [aw=sampleweight], by(ccode phase) sort ccode phase bysort ccode: gen Dlit = lit - lit[_n-1] bysort ccode: gen Dgrad = grad - grad[_n-1] bysort ccode: gen Dt = t - t[_n-1] replace Dlit = Dlit/Dt replace Dgrad = Dgrad/Dt global sc = "msymbol(none) mlabel(ccode) mlabpos(0) mlabcol(black)" global lc = "lwidth(medthick) lcolor(emerald*.75)" twoway (lfitci Dlit Dgrad) /// (lfit Dlit Dgrad, $lc) /// (scatter Dlit Dgrad, $sc), /// legend(off) /// title("Annual changes", /// color(black)) /// plotregion(style(none) /// lcolor(gs10) /// margin(large)) /// graphregion(fcol(white) /// lcol(white) margin(medium)) /// ysc(lcolor(gs14)) /// xsc(lcolor(gs14)) /// ylabel(/*-.02 "-2%"*/ -.01 "-1%" /// 0 "0%" .01 "1%" .02 "2%" /// , notick /// angle(0) glcolor(gs14)) /// xlabel(-.01 "-1%" 0 "0%" /// .01 "1%" .02 "2%" .03 "3%", /// notick grid glcolor(gs14)) /// xtitle("Annual change in primary completion", size(small)) /// ytitle("Change in literacy for non-completers", size(small)) /// note("Women age 25-34. All changes are annualized between survey rounds.""Each country appears up to 3 times between 2000 & 2015.", span justif(left) astext) /// title("Left behind?", yoffset(2) span justif(left) astext) /// subtitle("As more women complete primary school, literacy""has risen only slightly for those who don't.", yoffset(2) span justif(left) astext) gr_edit .style.editstyle declared_ysize(6) editcopy gr_edit .style.editstyle declared_xsize(7) editcopy gr export "$figures/selection_blog.pdf", as(pdf) replace gr export "$figures/selection_blog.png", as(png) width(1000) replace restore exit */ ********************** *** LEARNING GRAPH *** ********************** *** Sample restriction drop if edlevel>1 & ccode!="GHA" & ccode!="YEM" // with 2 exceptions, literacy assumed after primary keep if s<=8 keep if literacy!=. *** Only last round per country sort countryphase encode countryphase, g(svycode) bysort ccode: egen last=max(svycode) keep if svycode == last keep ccode literacy s sampleweight *** Local polynomials of literacy on grade levelsof ccode, l(countries) foreach c of local countries{ di "`c'" capture drop grade capture lpoly literacy s /// if ccode=="`c'", /// n(9) gen(grade lhat`c') /// nograph } capture drop grade gen grade = _n - 1 keep if grade<=8 keep grade lhat* reshape long lhat, i(grade) j(ccode) string /* save "$output/temp_lhat", replace exit use "$output/temp_lhat", clear */ *** Generate labels for histogram gen bin = round(lhat,0.05) forval s = 0/8{ gen binlab`s' = "" preserve keep if g==`s' levelsof bin, l(bins`s') restore foreach m of local bins`s'{ local binlab`s' = "" preserve keep if g==`s' & bin>`m'-.01 & bin<`m'+.01 levelsof ccode, l(c`s') foreach c of local c`s'{ local binlab`s' = "`binlab`s'' `c'" } restore tempvar counter bysort bin g: gen `counter'=_n replace binlab`s' = "`binlab`s''" if g==`s' & bin>`m'-.01 & bin<`m'+.01 & `counter'==1 } } *** GRAPH global lc = "lwidth(medthick) lcolor(emerald*.75)" *forval s = 0/8{ forval s = 8/8{ preserve keep if g<=`s' levelsof ccode, l(countries) foreach c of local countries{ local line `line' (line lhat g if ccode=="`c'", $lc) } twoway `line' /// (scatter bin grade /// if grade==`s', /// msymbol(none) /// mlab(binlab`s') /// mlabpos(3) mlabcol(black)), /// legend(off) /// plotregion(style(none) /// lcolor(none) margin(medium)) /// graphregion(fcol(white) /// lcol(white)) /// xlabel(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, notick) /// ylabel( 0 "0%" .2 "20%" .4 "40%" /// .6 "60%" .8 "80%" 1 "100%", /// angle(0) nogrid notick) /// xtitle("Highest grade attained", /// align(west)) /// ytitle("Literacy rate") ysc(noline) /// xsc(range(12.5) noline) /// title("Where does schooling produce literacy?", /// justif(left)) /// subtitle("Women age 25-34 by highest grade attained", /// justif(left)) /// note( "Source: Authors' calculations based on 50+ rounds of DHS microdata." /// "Lines show a local polynomial regression of a binary literacy indicator on" /// "highest grade attained.") gr_edit box_alignment(west) editcopy gr_edit .style.editstyle declared_ysize(5) editcopy gr_edit .style.editstyle declared_xsize(9) editcopy gr_edit .title.as_textbox.setstyle, style(yes) gr_edit .subtitle.as_textbox.setstyle, style(yes) gr export "$figures/lit`s'_blog.png", as(png) width(1000) replace gr export "$figures/lit`s'_blog.pdf", as(pdf) replace restore } exit