The Commitment to Development Index 2007 Report

October 25, 2007

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough" Albert Einstein

Each year since 2003, the Commitment to Development Index (CDI) has ranked 21 rich countries on their dedication (or not!) to policies that benefit the five billion people living in poor countries. The CDI moves beyond simple comparisons of aid funding and in so doing embodies the mission of CGD, which addresses all government policies that affect poorer countries.

Despite its complicated technical calculations, the CDI derives its power from its simple and clear messages. The team that builds the Index believes that developing countries challenges are, and should be, a concern for every individual and that the CDI's simple yet powerful messages should not be buried under technical jargon. With that in mind, the Center has created a new publication that summarizes the results of this year's Index, discusses key ideas that underpin each component and shows how countries' scores have changed over time. This attractive and clever report is designed to work a bit like an old-fashioned flip book of a horse race, with the final standings revealed only at the end.

For online use, the CDI Web site offers animated maps and charts and an opportunity to dig deeply into the environment indicator, with other drill down features to follow. The technically savvy and interested can also access the technical paper, Index spreadsheet and component papers, which provide extensive explanations.

For off-line use, although we have posted the PDF of the report, the unusual trim size means that you will find it more useful if you let us send you a complementary copy. To request one or more just send an email to Publications and be sure to include your name and your mailing address. For multiple copies, please describe how you plan to use them. We hope you find the CDI report interesting and useful -- and that you will share it with your friends, families and co-workers.

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