


10:00—11:30 AM
Center for Global Development
2055 L St NW, Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20036

The Why, What, and How of a Development Data Revolution

Johannes Jütting
Secretariat Manager

El Iza Mohamedou
Deputy Secretariat Manager

Introduction by
Amanda Glassman
Senior Fellow and Director, Global Health Policy
Center for Global Development

As we approach 2015, the UN High-Level Panel report calling for a “data revolution” has reignited debate on how the international community produces, shares, evaluates, and uses statistics. Despite advances since the MDGs were launched, gaps persist in the capacity of most developing countries to produce and use statistics.

At this CGD event, Johannes Jütting and El Iza Mohamedou from the Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century (PARIS21) will discuss the why, what, and how of a data revolution. Issues include strengthening global partnerships; encouraging production of more and better data, especially at the local level; and using development data to improve accountability and evidence-based policy making. The speakers will be seeking feedback from participants, including: Who should be part of a global partnership on development data? What are the priority areas for capacity development? Will it be possible to translate a post-2015 data revolution agenda into country-led and country-relevant actions?

View the presentation, Is My Data Revolution Like Your Data Revolution, here.
View the video, Engineering a Development Data Revolution, from the presentation here.


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