


11:00—11:00 AM EDT

What to Finance in Health and at What Price?

This event, hosted by the Inter-American Development Bank, features CGD experts Amanda Glassman and Kalipso Chalkidou and builds on the CGD book What's In, What's Out: Designing Benefits for Universal Health Coverage.”

Many countries around the world have committed to moving towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC). However, no country, not even the richest, has the necessary resources to meet to all the health demands of the population, which are increasing over time. Faced with this gap between needs and resources, how can we ensure the coverage of the health technologies and services that will benefit people the most, and that will achieve more health for all? To help answer this question, the IDB, through its CRITERIA Network, launches the open online course "What to finance in health and at what price," which focuses on two key strategies for informed decision-making in health: explicit priority setting and the use of tools to achieve more affordable prices for medicines.

This course is the result of years of experience of the IDB’s Criteria Network supporting the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) on these issues. It brings together more than 40 of the world´s renowned specialists in priority setting and medicine price regulation and was developed in partnership with the Center for Global Development (CGD). The Spanish version will be open to the public starting September 24th and the English version will be open to the public in spring 2021.

Do not miss the launch of this course, a unique event that will count with the participation of some of the course’s instructors: Amanda Glassman, Executive Vice President of the CGD; Martin Sabignoso, Secretary of Equity in Health of the Ministry of Health of Argentina; Leandro Safatle, researcher at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) and former Executive Secretary of the Chamber of Medicine Market Regulation (CMED) of Brazil; Javier Guzmán, Technical Director of Medicines and Health Technologies at Management Science for Health (MSH) and former Director of the National Institute for Food and Medicine Surveillance (INVIMA) of Colombia; Kalipso Chalkidou, Director of Global Health Policy of the CGD and former Director of the international branch of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE); Ferdinando Regalia, Head of the Social Protection and Health Division of the IDB; Ursula Giedion and Marcella Distrutti, coordinators of the Criteria Network; and Diana Pinto, IDB Lead Health Specialist.


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