


5:45—5:45 PM

U.S. in the World: Talking Global Issues with Americans - A Practical Guide

The Center for Global Development, the Aspen Institute, and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund co-hosted this Congressional briefing to launch the release of "U.S. in the World: Talking Global Issues with Americans - A Practical Guide." The guidebook is designed to help experts, professional communicators, elected officials, candidates, journalists, advocates, and any individual who wants to talk with other Americans about U.S. foreign policy.

Commentators included: Stephen B. Heintz, President of the Rockfeller Brothers Fund; David Devlin-Foltz, Director of the Aspen Institute's Global Interdependence Initiative; Priscilla Lewis and P.J. Simmons, Co-Chairs of the U.S. in the World Task Force; Sheila Herrling, Director of Communications and Policy for CGD; and Lorelei Kelly, Senior Associate at the Henry L. Stimson Center.


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