


12:30—2:00 PM
Center for Global Development
2055 L Street NW
- Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20036

Understanding Digital Governance in Developing Countries: Lessons from the Field

Manoj Sharma, Managing Director, MicroSave
Alan Gelb, Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development
Many developing countries are using digital technology to reform public service delivery. The convergence of financial inclusion, mobile networks and digital ID is transforming the way governments deliver public services and citizens access entitlements, including public subsidies. Are these reforms working? How are beneficiaries coping with the changes? Do they think they are better off than before?
To understand these issues, MicroSave has partnered with governments in South and Southeast Asia to undertake rapid assessments of various digital governance initiatives. Please join us for a seminar presentation by Manoj Sharma, Managing Director, MicroSave, who will share insights from field surveys and outline what can be done to improve implementation on the ground.
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