


12:30—2:00 PM
Center for Global Development, 1800 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Third Floor, Washington, DC

Strategic Internationalization, Institutions, and Civil Society: How Brazil outpaced the United States when it came to HIV/AIDS

In his paper on “Strategic Internationalization, Institutions, and Civil Society,” Eduardo Gomez, Assistant Professor, Department of Public Policy, Rutgers University at Camden, explains how Brazil outpaced the United States when it came to building an effective national AIDS program and policies since the 1990s. Notwithstanding broad structural similarities and responses to AIDS during the 1980s, Brazil eventually became more successful in creating an effective national AIDS program that continues to provide targeted financial and technical assistance to municipalities (despite pressures for greater devolution) while devising innovative prevention and treatment programs. Brazil shows the United States and other large federations, such as India, China, and Russia, that strategically working with the international community while creating ongoing incentives for bureaucrats to work closely with civil society is necessary for a successful institutional and policy response to HIV/AIDS.

Gomez presented his findings for this June 11, 2008 event, with Varun Gauri, Senior Economist, Development Research Group of the World Bank, serving as a discussant. Ruth Levine, Vice President, Center for Global Development, chaired the discussion. 

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