


10:30—12:00 PM
Center for Global Development, 1800 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Third Floor, Washington, DC

Public-Private Interaction in Health: Three Mexican Examples

CGD hosted "Public-Private Interaction in Health: Three Mexican Examples," featuring Gustavo Nigenda, Director, Health Systems Innovations at the National Institute of Public Health of Mexico. Nigenda discussed how, over the past decade, the intensity of interactions between public and private agents in the Mexican health sector has increased. The interaction is taking several forms, including the financing and delivery of services. Based on the description of three cases, Nigenda's presentation highlighted the main features and challenges facing the public sector in its role as seller, purchaser and regulator. Nigenda also summarized evidence about the impact of the private sector involvement in health on key development outcomes, including exposure to financial risk and the capacity to expand the provision of essential services to populations without health care. Ruth Levine, Director of Programs and Senior Fellow at Center for Global Development, served as the discussant.

Download Gustavo Nigenda's presentation (PDF,  543KB)


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