


9:30—11:00 AM
Center for Global Development
2055 L St, NW
- Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20036

Prospects for Economic Growth and Global Development in 2018


Ayhan Kose, Director, Development Prospects Group, World Bank


Eswar Prasad, Tolani Professor of Trade Policy, Cornell University and Senior Fellow, Global Economy and Development Program, Brookings Institution

Liliana Rojas-Suarez, Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development 

Masood Ahmed, President, Center for Global Development (moderator)

The World Bank’s Global Economic Prospects 2018 recognizes that the global economy is enjoying a long-awaited broad-based cyclical recovery. In this favorable environment, the Bank expects growth in emerging and developing countries to continue during the next couple of years. But this is no time for complacency. Forces depressing potential output growth will continue unless countered by structural policies. While most commentators focus on the recent cyclical upturn, the new World Bank report presents a sober analysis of long-term growth prospects.

Director of the World Bank's Development Prospects Group, Ayhan Kose will give a brief presentation of the report and will then participate in the panel discussion, moderated by CGD president, Masood Ahmed.

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