


9:30—11:00 AM
Center for Global Development
2055 L St, NW
- Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20036

The Myth of Capitalism: Global Implications of Market Concentration


Denise Hearn, Co-author, The Myth of Capitalism

Jonathan Tepper, Co-author, The Myth of Capitalism

Sarah Miller, Deputy Director, Open Markets Institute


Charles Kenny, Director of Technology and Development, Center for Global Development

Evidence from US-based firms like Google, Facebook, and Amazon shows that market concentration and the failure of competition policy has had grim effects on productivity and inequality. Indeed, across a handful of industries, only a couple of massive firms control the majority of decisions Americans make as consumers. But what effects does market consolidation have on the rest of the world?

In this special CGD Partners Council event, Jonathan Tepper and Denise Hearn, authors of the forthcoming book, The Myth of Capitalism: Monopolies and the Death of Competition, and Deputy Director of Open Markets Institute Sarah Miller will discuss the global implications of market concentration and the failure of competition policy. The discussion will be moderated by Charles Kenny, Director of CGD’s Technology and Development Program.

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