


10:30—12:00 PM
Center for Global Development, 1800 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Third Floor

Gearing Up to Deliver More, Better and Faster Aid: The New European Aid Effectiveness Package

CGD hosted "Gearing Up to Deliver More, Better and Faster Aid: The New European Aid Effectiveness Package," featuring Koos Richelle, Director-General, EuropeAid Co-operation Office, European Commission. Richelle discussed how the EU has been working to update its policies and to bring in new mechanisms so that coordinated strategies, pooled funding, cooperation in the field and a focus on results will be key aspects of the new architecture for aid delivery. Todd Moss, research fellow, Center for Global Development served as a discussant, and Ruth Levine, director of programs and senior fellow at Center for Global Development acted as the moderator.

Download Koos Richelle's presentation  (PDF, 413KB)

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