


8:00—9:30 AM Washington DC Time
External Event

G7: New Presidency - New Initiative? Learnings for the G7 Presidency in 2022

This event is hosted by Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) and  Global Health Hub Germany and features CGD Executive Vice President, Amanda Glassman.

In the declarations of the “G-formats”, member states have shown a tendency to come up with new initiatives tackling (among others) issues related to global health outside of the UN system, such as the Muskoka Initiative on Maternal, Newborn and Child Health in 2010, the Global AMR Research and Development Hub in 2017, the Primary Health Care Universal Knowledge Initiative in 2019. We want to address the question: Whether setting up new commitments in these formats is the right way to go and what difference the G7 can make by tackling issues other forums cannot address the same way?

With the World Health Summit scheduled before Germany takes over the G7 presidency in 2022, it offers the opportunity to reflect on lessons learned of previous presidencies and maybe walk off the beaten track regarding commitments.

Therefore, we want to take stock and discuss the following questions: What are the advantages of new initiatives and how can they be an efficient way to tackle global health challenges? How can accountability and sustainability of G7 commitments be ensured? How does Germany want to shape policy outcomes of these forums in a sustainable way? Building on that, what are concrete next steps for the G7 to take on the world’s current health challenges and prepare for the ones to come?


  • Caroline Schmutte, Wellcome Trust | Head of European Government Relations | Germany


  • Amanda Glassman, Center for Global Development (CGD) | Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of CGD Europe | United States of America, Center for Global Development (CGD) 

  • Prof. Dr. Gerald Haug, German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina - National Academy of Sciences | President | Germany, Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry | Department of Climate Geochemistry | Director | Germany

  • Dr. Dagmar Reitenbach, Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) | Head of Division Global Health | Germany

Digital Session: https://worldhealthsummit.zoom.us/j/89024574259

Meeting ID: 890 2457 4259

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