


3:30—5:00 PM
Center for Global Development
2055 L Street NW
- Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20036

Expanding Opportunities for the Poor in Middle Income Developing Countries


Ann Bernstein
Executive Director, Centre for the Development and Enterprise, South Africa

Tyler Cowen
Holbert C. Harris Chair of Economics, George Mason University


Charles Kenny
Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development

In many developing countries including South Africa, there is a stale debate regarding poverty over priorities between economic growth and equalizing incomes. South Africa’s Centre for the Development and Enterprise (CDE) has been exploring the advantages of a different approach to the poverty debate—one that emphasizes opportunity.

Ann Bernstein will present the findings from CDE’s work which identifies and explores a set of concepts, core principles, and practical policies that could constitute an opportunities-centered approach to poverty. Tyler Cowen, one of the contributors to the work, will provide comments.

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