


12:30—2:00 PM
Center for Global Development
1800 Massachussetts Avenue, NW, Third Floor
Washington, DC 20036

European Development Policy in a Time of Austerity and Transformation

Europe provides the majority of the world’s foreign aid. But economic convulsions at home and a shifting global landscape pose challenges to the status quo. In a tight series of mini-presentations, five European experts will assess the performance and prospects for European development policy.

Is Europe better at aid than development? Owen Barder, Senior Fellow and Director, Center for Global Development in Europe

Current trends and challenges in EU development policy Jörg Faust, Head, Governance and Security Department, German Development Institute

The security-development nexus in EU foreign policy Mark Furness, Senior Researcher and Coordinator of the Beacon Project on EU Development Policy, German Development Institute

Comparing Chinese and European aid policies in Africa Christine Hackenesch, Researcher, Department for Bi- and Multilateral Development Cooperation, German Development Institute

The debate over aid to middle-income countries and the use of political conditionality in EU development policy Svea Koch, Researcher, Department for Bi- and Multilateral Development Cooperation, German Development Institute

Hosted by
David Roodman
Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development


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