


8:30—2:00 PM
Center for Global Development
2055 L St, NW
- Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20036

The Economics of Belt and Road: Policy Implications of New and Emerging Research


The Chinese government’s Belt and Road initiative, now entering its 7th year, has generated a great deal of attention globally. The visibility of the initiative reflects its priority among China’s senior leadership, the consideration of the initiative as both opportunity and risk among potential partner governments, and the concerns raised by its critics. The discourse to date has been dominated by political and strategic considerations. The economics of BRI has received considerably less attention, partly a function of the lack of analysis and research on economic questions – but that picture is changing.

The Center for Global Development and the World Bank will host a half-day conference on the Economics of the Belt and Road Initiative, highlighting implications for policymakers of new and important research in this area. During the first half of 2019, the World Bank released a series of papers assessing the economic benefits and costs associated with BRI, culminating in the synthesis report, Belt and Road Economics: Opportunities and Risks of Transport Corridors. This research project coincides with other new and emerging research on the economics of BRI. The conference will take advantage of this new body of research, focusing on the implications of this work for policymakers—in China, in BRI partner countries, and in countries that are outside of the initiative.

Click here to view the agenda. Registration and breakfast will be available beginning at 8:00am in the Birdsall Conference Center. 

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