


12:30—1:30 PM GMT
- Fifth Floor
, DC

Developing Country Trade after Brexit: How Will the UK’s Tariff Plans Affect Access?

This event is hosted by the UK Trade Policy Observatory.

Joint analysis of new tariff agreements by experts from the UK Trade Policy Observatory (UKTPO), the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) and the Center for Global Development (CGD) has revealed that exports from the world’s poorest nations to the UK will decline after Brexit.

At the moment the poorest countries are exempted from tariffs on exports to the UK, which gives them a competitive advantage relative to other countries. Lowering the tariffs which these other countries face reduces this advantage and so reduces the poorest countries’ exports.

Overall, the research found that while higher income and some middle-income countries will see an increase in their exports to the UK, most lower income countries will see their exports decline.


  • Ian Mitchell, Co-Director of Development Cooperation in Europe and Senior Policy Fellow, Center for Global Development


  • Mohammed A. Razzaque, Research Director, Policy Research Institute of Bangladesh
  • Emily Jones, Director of Global Economic Governance Programme, University of Oxford
  • Mattia di Ubaldo, Research Fellow, UKTPO, University of Sussex
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