


10:00—12:00 PM

Can Food Aid Be A More Effective Development Tool?

Keynote address:
Andrew Natsios - Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development

Watch the keynote address
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John Hoddinott - Senior Research Fellow, Food Consumption and Nutrition, International Food Policy Research Institute
Download John Hoddinott's presentation
Ann Tutwiler - Chief Executive, International Food and Agricultural Trade Policy Council
Patrick Webb - Dean for Academic Affairs; Associate Professor, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy; Director of the Food Policy and Applied Nutrition Program, Tufts University
Download Patrick Webb's presentation

Peter Timmer - Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development
Download Peter Timmer's CGD Note Food Aid: Doing Well by Doing Good

Download the transcript

Andrew Natsios, the Administrator of USAID, has proposed that a share of the US budget devoted to food aid be allocated as cash, in order to procure supplies more quickly from local markets. Many supporters of US food aid, and of development programs generally, find the proposal troubling because it threatens the Congressional coalition that has funded these programs for the past 50 years. Mr. Natsios presented his perspective in the keynote address at this CGD forum. Following his presentation, four panelists made brief comments and a discussion with the audience followed.

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