Leadership Selection at an International Financial Institution: What Are the Rules?

May 22, 2007

I hope you will take the survey we launched this week, Choosing the Next World Bank President, which among other things includes questions about the selection process for that job.If you are interested in understanding the formal selection processes at other multilateral banks, the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) and the Asian Development Bank publish their rules publicly. The voting arrangement at the IADB guarantees, by use of double majorities (number of country members and proportion of total weighted votes), for example, that the president will come from a borrowing country, and that he or she will have the endorsement of the United States, which is the single largest shareholder.For the World Bank, you can study a document their Board issued in 2001, which summarizes initial recommendations for how to formalize a more competitive process of selection of the President. These recommendations were never formally approved.I was not able to find information in publicly available documents on the selection process and rules for the African Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development or the International Monetary Fund but will report it if and when it is found.


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