Are We Ready for the Next Pandemic? – CGD Podcast

May 18, 2017

Consider this statement: Science knows how to deal with a pandemic outbreak, but policy gets in the way.

That was how we framed a recent event at CGD with key people who led the US government’s response to the Ebola outbreak in 2014. What did the US—the biggest global health responder—learn in that time? And what can other organizations such as the World Health Organization learn?

As the World Health Assembly gathers in Geneva, today’s podcast brings you some ideas of how to improve the global system of response and increase our preparedness for the next inevitable outbreak. It also highlights the role that global health plays in national security—hear what Amy Pope, former deputy homeland security adviser under President Obama, had to say about that in the clip below.

Along with Pope, our speakers included Jeremy Konyndyk, CGD senior policy fellow and former director of USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance; David Smith, currently performing the duties of the assistant secretary of defense for health affairs; and Rebecca Martin, director of the Center for Global Health at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; and Amanda Glassman, CGD’s chief operating officer and senior fellow in global health.

You can listen to the podcast above or on iTunes, and check out the full event video here on our website. 


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