CGD in the News

More women forced to close businesses in pandemic amid warnings they will be ‘left behind’ (Telegraph)

January 20, 2021

From the article:

"Women who are in employment also appear to be suffering more because in many countries the sectors they tend to work in are overexposed to the economic collapse caused by Covid-19, according to emerging data studied by experts at the Center for Global Development (CGD).

Megan O'Donnell, who will lead a new Covid-19 Gender and Development Initiative at the CGD focusing on low-and-middle income countries, said: 'Before Covid-19 hit, women’s labour force participation, access to finance, pay, and advancement were all already unequal to men’s, and the pandemic and global recession are predicted to exacerbate these gaps. Policymakers have a chance right now to put women at the center of recovery efforts and fix long-standing inequalities. This new initiative will explore the best ways donor institutions and governments can do that.'”