Forced Migration and Refugees: Policies for Successful Economic and Social Integration

The inflow of refugees and their subsequent integration can be an important challenge for both the refugees themselves and the host society. Policy interventions can improve the lives and economic success of refugees and of their communities. In this paper, we review the socioeconomic integration policy interventions focused on refugees and the evidence surrounding them. We also highlight some interesting topics for future research and stress the need to rigorously evaluate their effectiveness and implications for the successful integration of refugees.

From the paper:

Understanding policies that address forced migration and integration of displaced people is a matter of great importance. Those who have undergone forced migration are inherently vulnerable, facing risks of violence and poverty. Often enduring both physical and psychological trauma during the escape from their home country, they must then navigate the challenges of living in a new location, whether it be a new country or region. Both where they settle and how they adapt to that environment are crucial to their future well-being and success.

Recognizing which policies, institutions, circumstances, and support systems best promote integrating displaced individuals has a potentially high human and economic return for refugees and their host communities. Moreover, the value to local governments and communities of implementing effective policies in a timely and appropriate manner will likely grow as episodes generating refugees may become more diffuse and sudden.

Read the full paper here.

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